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 Mill Hill School  London  www.millhill.org.uk
 Dulwich College  London  www.dcpslondon.org
 Central England
Çб³¸í Áö¿ª¸í ȨÆäÀÌÁö
 Abberley Hall  Worcestershire  www.abberleyhall.co.uk
 Abbotsholme School  Rocester  www.abbotsholme.com
 Aldenham School  Hertordshire  www.aldenham.com
 Bedord Modern School  Bedford  www.bedmod.co.uk
 Bedford School  Bedford  www.bedfordschool.org.uk
 Bedford School - Study Centre  Bedford  www.bedfordschool.org.uk
 Bedstone College  Shropshire  www.bedstone.org
 Bishop's Stortord College  Herthordshire  www.bishops-stortford-college.herts.sch.uk
 Bilton Grange  Rugby  www.biltongrange.co.uk
 Bromsgrove School  Worcestershire  www.bromsgrove-school.co.uk
 Culford School  Suffolk  www.culford.co.uk
 Denstone College  Staordshire  www.denstone. staffs.sch.uk
 Ellesmere College  Shropshire  www.ellesmere.com
 Framlingham College  Suffolk  www.framlingham.suffolk.sch.uk
 Friends School, Saffron Walden  Essex  www.friends.org.uk
 Haileybury  Hertfordshire  www.haileybury.herts.sch.uk
 Hethersett Old Hall School  Norfolk  www.hohs.co.uk
 Langley School  Norfolk  www.langley.norfolk.sch.uk
 Lockers Park School  Hertfordshire  www.lockerspark.herts.sch.uk
 Malvern College and Hillstone  Worcestershire  www.malvern-college.co.uk
 Malvern Girl's College  Worcestershire  www.mgc.worcs.sch.uk
 Moats School  Worcestershire  www.moffats.co.uk
 Moor Park School  Shropshire  www.moorpark.shropshire.sch.uk
 New Hall School  Essex  www.newhallschool.co.uk
 Oakham School  Rutland  www.oakham.org.uk
 Oswestry School  Shropshire  www.oswestryschool.org.uk
 Packwood Haugh  Shropshire  www.packwood-haugh.co.uk
 Queenswood  Hertfordshire  www.queenswood.herts.sch.uk
 Ratclie School  Hertfordshire   
 Riddlesworth Hall School  Norolk  www.riddlesworthhall.com
 S. Anselm's  Derbyshire  www.s-anselms.co.uk/
 St. Christopher School  Hertfordshire  www.stchris.co.uk
 St. Edmund's College  Hertfordshire  www.stedmundscollege.org
 St. Helen's School  Middlesex  www.sthelensnorthwood.co.uk
 St. James's School  Worcestershire  www.st-james-school.co.uk
 St. Mary's School, Cambridge  Cambridge  www.stmaryscambridge.co.uk
 The Arts Educational School  Hertfordshire   www.aes-tring.com
 The Blue Coat School  Birmingham  www.bluecoat.bham.sch.uk
 The King's School Ely  Cambridgeshire  www.kings-ely.cambs.sch.uk
 The Leys School  Cambridgeshire  www.theleys.cambs.sch.uk
 The Royal Masonic School  Hertfordshire  www.royalmasonic.herts.sch.uk
 Trent College  Nottingham  www.trentcollege.nott.sch.uk
 Worksop College  Nottinghamshire  www.worksopcollege.notts.sch.uk
 Wrekin College  Shropshire  www.wrekincollege.ac.uk
 Yarlet School  Nr. Stafford  www.yarlet.staffs.sch.uk
 Southern England and Channel Islands
Çб³¸í Áö¿ª¸í ȨÆäÀÌÁö
 Abingdon School  Oxordshire  www.abingdon.org.uk
 Badminton School  Bristol  www.badmintonschool.co.uk
 Bearwood College  Berkshire  www.bearwoodcollege.berks.sch.uk
 Bedales School  Hampshire  www.bedales.org.uk
 Beechwood Sacred  Kent  www.beechwood.org.uk
 Beneden School  Kent   
 Bethany School  Kent  www.bethany.demon.co.uk
 Bloxham School  Oxfordshire  www.bloxhamschool.com
 Boxhill School  Surrey  www.boxhillschool.org.uk
 Bradfield College  Berkshire  www.bradfieldcollege.org.uk
 Brambletye School  Gloucestershire  www.brambletye.co.uk
 Brighton College  Powys  www.brightoncollege.demon.co.uk
 Cheltenham College  Bristol  www.cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk
 Christ College  Kent  www.schools-christ-wales.com
 Clifton College  West Sussex  www.cliftoncollegeuk.com
 Cobham Hall  Gloucestershire  www.cobhamhall.com
 Cottesmore School  Kent  www.cottesmoreschool.com
 Dean Close School  Oxford  www.deanclose.co.uk
 Dover College  Berkshire  www.dover-college.kent.sch.uk
 d'Overbroeck's  Bath  www.doverbroecks.com
 Downe House  Oxford  www.downehouse.berks.sch.uk
 Dragon School  Surrey  www.dragonschool.org
 Duke of Kent School  East Sussex  www.dukeofkentschool.org.uk
 Eastbourne College  Devon  www.eastbourne-college.co.uk
 Edgehill College  Hampshire  www.edgecoll.clara.net
 Embley Park School  Kent  www.embleypark.org.uk
 Farringtons & Stratord House  Surrey  www.farringtons.org.uk
 Frensham Heights School  Wiltshire  www.frensham-heights.org.uk
 Godolphin School  North Devon  www.godolphin.org
 Grenville College  Hampshire  www.grenville.devon.sch.uk
 Highfield School  Surrey  www.highfieldschool.org.uk
 Hurtwood House  Dorset  www.hurtwood-house.co.uk
 International College, Sherborne
 Devon  www.sherborne-ic.net
 Kelly College  Kent  www.kellycollege.com
 Kent College,Pembury  Surrey  www.kent-college.co.uk
 King Edwards School  Oxfordshire  www.kesw.surrey.sch.uk
 Kingham Hill School  Somerset  www.kingham-hill.oxon.sch.uk
 King's Bruton  Kent  www.kingsbruton.org.uk
 King's School  Bath  www.kings-school-rochester.co.uk
 Kingswood School  Reading  www.kingswood.bath.sch.uk
 Leighton Park School  Berkshire  www.leightonpark.reading.sch.uk
 Licensed Victuallers' School  North Yorkshire  www.lvsascot.windsor.sch.uk
 Malsis School  Somerset  www.malsis.com
 Millfield School  East Sussex  www.millfield.somerset.sch.uk
 Moira House School  York  www.moirahouse.co.uk
 The Mount School  East Sussex  www.mount.n-yorks.sch.uk
 Newlands School  Hampshire  www.newlands-school.com
 Padworth College  Bath  www.padworth.com
 Pilgrims' School  Berkshire  www.pilgrims-school.co.uk
 Prior Park College  Surrey  www.priorpark.co.uk
 Prior's ield  Brighton   
 Royal Russell School  Wiltshire  www.royalrussell.co.uk
 Roedean School  West Sussex  www.roedean.co.uk
 Sanroyd  Kent   
 Seaford College  Dorset  www.seaford.org
 Sevenoaks School  Dorset  www.soaks.kent.sch.uk
 Sherborne School or Girls  North Somerset  www.sherborne.com
 Shrewsbury School  East Sussex  www.shrewsbury.org.uk
 Sidcot School  Dorset  www.sidcot.org.uk
 St Andrews School, Eastbourne  East Sussex  www.androvian.co.uk
 St. Antony's Leweston School  East Sussex  www.leweston.co.uk
 St. Aubyns  East Sussex  www.staubynsschoolbrighton.co.uk
 St Bede's at the Dicker  Kent  www.stbedesschool.org
 St Bede's Preparatory School  East Sussex  http://homepages.which.net/~st.bedes.bishton
 St. Edmunds School, Canterbury  Devon  www.stedmunds.org
 St. George's Ascot  Kent  www.stgeorges-ascot.org.uk
 St. John's School, Sidmouth  East Sussex  www.stjohndevon.demon.co.uk
 St. Lawrence College in Thanet  Berkshire  www.st-lawrence-college.com  
 St. Leonards Mayield School  Berkshire  www.stlm.e-sussex.sch.uk
 St. Mary's School,Ascot  Wiltshire  www.st-marys-ascot.co.uk
 St. Mary's School,Calne  Dorset  www.stmaryscalne.wilts.sch.uk
 St. Mary's School,Shatesbury  Dorset  www.st-marys-shaftesbury.co.uk
 St. Mary's School,Wantage  Oxfordshire  www.eduk.com/microsites/wantage.htm
 Stonar School  Wiltshire  www.stonar.wilts.sch.uk
 Sutton Valence School  Kent  www.svs.org.uk
 The Royal High School, Bath  Bath  www.gdst.net/royalhighbath
 Trinity School  Teignmouth  www.trinityschool.co.uk/
 Warminster School  Wiltshire  www.warminsterschool.org.uk
 Welington School  Somerset  www.wellington-school.org.uk
 Wells Cathedral School   Somerset  www.wells-cathedral-school.com
 Wellesley House  Kent  www.wellesleyhouse.org
 West Buckland School  North Devon  www.westbuckland.devon.sch.uk
 Westonbirt School  Gloucestershire  www.westonbirt.gloucs.sch.uk
 Wyclie  Nr Stafford   
 Northern England 
Çб³¸í Áö¿ª¸í ȨÆäÀÌÁö
 Ackworth School  West Yorkshire  www.ackworth.w-yorks.sch.uk
 Ashville College  North Yorkshire  www.ashville.co.uk
 Casterton School  Cumbria  www.castertonschool.co.uk
 Chorister School  Durham  www.choristers.durham.sch.uk
 Giggleswick School  North Yorkshire  www.giggleswick.n-yorks.sch.uk
 Hammond School  Chester  www.thehammondschool.co.uk
 Howsham Hall  York  www.simonknock.freeserve.co.uk
 Rishworth School  West Yorkshire  www.rishworth-school.co.uk
 Rossall School  Lancashire  www.rossall.co.uk
 Rydal Penrhos School  North Wales  www.rydal-penrhos.co.uk
 Sedbergh School  Cumbria  www.sedbergh.cumbria.sch.uk
 St Bees School InternationalCentre  Cumbria  www.st-bees-school.co.uk
 Stonyhurst College  Lancashire  www.stonyhurst.ac.uk
 Windermere St Anne's  Cumbria  www.windermerest-annes.cumbria.sch.uk
Çб³¸í Áö¿ª¸í ȨÆäÀÌÁö
 Dollar Academy  Scotland  www.dollaracademy.org.uk
 Fettes College  Edinburgh  www.fettes.co.uk
 Gordonstoun School  Moray  www.gordonstoun.org.uk
 Kilgraston School  Perthshire  www.kilgraston.pkc.sch.uk
 Lomond School  Argyll & Bute  www.lomond-school.org
 Longridge Towers School  Northumberland  www.lts.org.uk
 Loretto  Midlothian  www.loretto.com
 Merchiston Castle School  Edinburgh  www.mcsch.org.uk
 Morrison's Academy  Perthshire  www.morrisons.pkc.sch.uk
 Rannoch School  Perthshire  www.rannoch.co.uk
 Strathallan Schoo  Perth  www.strathallan.co.uk  
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